Species Anosognosia, Two Years Later
— — Species Anosognosia— By positing that, despite our known collective mistakes as societies, cultures, and nations, we are at least aware of them, Species Anosognosia puts forward the notion that these very things that are us — our societies, cultures, and nations — have the potential to pivot from the current moment, and spring forward into consciously better outcomes and futures in all of our arenas — not just social justice and equality at the cultural and national levels, but also peace and tolerance from the local to the global level — for the benefit not just of a planet and those now on it, but also for the global children of our entire species, our collective young, who will soon inherit it all.
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Stay tuned for more brief descriptions of various relevant pieces. Until then, here is a related work: My Identity Is Not Relational To You, 2020.